Welcome to the website of Biblical Counseling Ministries, Inc., a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is to demonstrate both why and how the Word of God is sufficient for counseling the inner person and to promote Biblical Framework Counseling materials and training for this purpose.
The main materials offered by Biblical Counseling Ministries at this time are the 1300+ page hardback textbook and reference work, The Heart of Man and The Mental Disorders, Second Expanded Edition, its companion workbook, Advanced Biblical Framework Counseling, the booklet, Help for the Wise Woman in Turning Away Wrath, the helpful counseling book, Love: The Answer, Principles of Biblical Counseling, the booklet God of All Comfort, and the Agape Love Chart.
Other than through these materials, training in Biblical Framework Counseling is offered on a college level at the College of Biblical Studies – Houston in Houston, TX (see www.cbshouston.edu) and Carolina College of Biblical Studies in Fayetteville, North Carolina (see www.ccbs.edu).